
Offering a competitive return on capital

How to Fund Your Real Estate Deals Using Private Money

Many real estate investors have turned to private money sources to fund their deals. There are different types of private money sources, and each has its own pros and cons.

Private money is generally easier for both parties involved when compared with other financing methods. For example, a bank requires the borrower to put up much more collateral (e.g., property) than someone who is lending their own capital or using a friend or family member’s funds.

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Rhythm Of Life: How to Get More Deals with Less Effort

If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you’re an investor who is looking for a way to grow their property portfolio. If this is the case then I can help you find more deals with less effort. In this article, I will explain why having a rhythm to your business is so important and how it can be achieved.

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What is your target rent? Find me a property that will yield around x%

You’ve got a good idea of how much you can afford to spend and what type of property you want. Now it’s time to find a place that will meet your needs and still allow you to make the income you want. There are many factors that go into determining what the rent should be: location, size, amenities, etc.. But when it comes down to it, all these factors boil down to one thing: the yield percentage.

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The reason real estate investors fail is because they do all the hard work themselves.

Real estate investing is one of the most popular ways for people to invest their money, but it can also be one of the most challenging. One of the biggest reasons that people fail in real estate investing is because they try to do everything themselves. This is a mistake! You need a solid team around you if you want to successfully grow your business and become financially independent.

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You’re a property investor, and you have money to place into good property deals. But you can’t find any!

You’re a property investor, and you have money to place into good property deals. But you can’t find any! It might seem like there’s an infinite amount of property out there. But in reality, if your strategy is to simply buy up every single piece of property that comes on the market, then chances are good that your money will be tied up in bad deals while other investors pass you by taking advantage of better opportunities elsewhere.

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