Stop lying to yourself. Use this road map to focus and meet goals.

Stop lying to yourself. Use this road map to focus and meet goals.


You’ve probably heard that the secret to getting things done is having a plan. That’s true, but what most people don’t realise is that it’s not just any old plan that will do. The key to effective planning isn’t creating a detailed spreadsheet, or even mapping out every single step you’ll take toward your goal; instead, it’s about finding the right problems to focus on and building a flexible foundation for yourself as you go.

Identify the right problems to focus on

The first step to focusing on the right problems is knowing what they are.

  • Focus on what you’re good at, not what you’re bad at. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, but don’t try to be good at everything. If there are things that come easy for you but are difficult for others, embrace those strengths and use them as leverage in other areas where others may struggle!
  • Don’t try fixing everything all at once. It’s tempting to want to fix everything all at once so we can get back on track with our goals–but this approach often leads us down the path of over-complicating things and feeling overwhelmed by them (which usually results in giving up). Instead of trying too hard or worrying about doing something perfectly from day one, focus instead on making small improvements each day until they add up into something substantial enough that makes an impact on reaching your goal(s).

Be honest about where you currently stand

It’s time to get honest with yourself.

You have to know where you stand, and be willing to face the facts. You can’t make progress if the first step is pretending that everything is fine when it’s not. So take some time now to reflect on what’s going on in your life and how it could use improvement. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses?
  • What do I want out of life right now? Long term? Short term? And why does this matter for meeting my goals?
  • Who are the people who support me (or don’t) when things get hard–and why does that matter when setting goals for myself or others around me who need help getting things done too!

Do you have a plan? Is it working?

Do you have a plan? Is it working?

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. — Lewis Carroll

A goal is not a plan, and planning is different from goal setting. In fact, if you don’t have a plan or goals in place as part of your strategy for accomplishing something important to you–whether that be losing weight or writing a book–then chances are good that nothing much will happen at all! And if nothing happens…well then what was the point of setting out on this journey in the first place?

Adapt the plan. Drop what doesn’t work. Do more of what does.

If you’re doing something that isn’t working, stop doing it. This is a pretty straightforward concept, but we all have a tendency to stick with our original plan even when it’s not working for us. If you find yourself saying “I know this isn’t working,” then listen to yourself and change your approach!

If something is working well for you and meeting your goals, keep doing what works! If this is the case for most of the tasks on your list, then consider adding another task that might help reach those goals faster or more effectively by using some of the time saved by not having to do everything else anymore.

Find a trusted partner to work with

Find a trusted partner to work with.

  • Find someone who shares your goals. If you want to lose weight, find someone who wants to lose weight too and has the same goal as you.
  • Find someone who has different skills and experience than you. Someone who’s experienced will help guide where they see opportunities for improvement based on their knowledge of how things work in this industry/field/organisation/etc., which means less time wasted figuring out what needs improving!
  • Find someone more experienced than yourself with the same values as yours (see above), so they can teach those values while also helping guide where they see opportunities for improvement based on their knowledge of how things work in this industry/field/organisation/etc., which means less time wasted figuring out what needs improving!


If you’re feeling stuck, take a step back and look at your goals. Are they really moving you closer to where you want to be? If not, maybe it’s time for some changes. If you’re ready to get started on this journey, find someone who can support you along the way–friends or family members are ideal candidates!